Cruelty Squad Wiki

Zombies are nigh-invincible monstrosities who lurk in the dark corners of certain missions. They move slowly toward the player on sight and deliver powerful melee attacks. Dealing enough damage to a zombie will cause it to fall flat on its face, but it will quickly recover and continue its pursuit.

Zombies are actually very specific with their range of attack, which can be taken advantage of by crouching. If the player crouches they become impervious to zombies as their attacks will be performed right over the player's head.

Killing a Zombie[]

There are two main tactics for taking out zombies. One is far more effective than the other.

  • The player can use the Parasonic C3 DNA Scrambler to turn the zombie into cancerballs instantly. This will completely defeat the zombie and render it a threat no longer.
  • The player can also use the ZKZ Transactional Rifle to gib the zombie with a super-powerful shot. Doing so, however, will only destroy the zombie's physical body. It will continue to somehow deal damage from beyond the grave as just their head gib. The head gib can then be dealt with via another shot from the rifle.
  • Although this strategy doesn`t kill the zombie directly, you can render it relatively harmless by shooting it with the Bolt ACR and deploying another cloud of gas above it's corpse, that way whenever the zombie respawns, it dies almost instantly.
  • They can be kicked away when down you can kick them off a cliff or into a pit if they are near one. Not technically killing them but gets them out of the way.

Armored Zombie[]

The zombies in Trauma Loop have armor which prevents the player from dealing the kind of damage that can make them fall down, making them harder to deal with. However, much like most armored variants of enemies in Trauma Loop, the armored zombies only have a tiny amount of armor to punch through before any weapon can be used to damage them.

If you gib an armored zombie their living head gib will be armored.


  • The zombies behave almost identically to the zombie enemies in the original Quake, as both need to be gibbed in order to not rise up after dying.





SecurityPoliceCruelty SquadShip CrewSwamp CultistRubber CultistOffice SecurityGore GruntDarkworlderSecurity, RedefinedShitmenHouse VillagersSkeleton Army

Armored Enemies

Shock TrooperGolemNecromech

Inhuman Enemies

DogFleshratKniferFlowerPsykerBouncy CastleBioslaveFleshmanZombieGrid CrabFlesh Pig


AbraxasHQ TargetFreakThe Triagons