Number Three is the Chief Security Officer and one of the targets of Office mission. They wear a blue rubber mask and reside in their office on the subdivision of the building labeled with a 3. It is presumed that they are one of the "four sub-archons" mentioned by The Handler during the mission briefing.
Despite seeming to take the idea of security very seriously and having an inflated self image, Number Three admits that their job is pointless and mostly consists of playing with guns and drinking coffee.
- "I am number three. I pulsate. I laugh."
- "I'm the Chief Security Officer. Chaos is imaginary... Time is a frigid crystal of perfect order. From any point in time it's trivial to calculate any other."
- "There's a limited number of possible steps. I can rotate time in my head."
- "My job is pretty pointless as security is inherent in everything. Some disagree with me. They suck."
- "I mostly just drink coffee and play with guns."
- Number Three's dialogue seems to lampshade the manner in which time is perceived to the player. The game is the "frigid crystal", and Number Three sees all of the paths possible in play. While NPCs and Targets always respawn and are "frozen in time", MT, the Player, and Number Three recognize the "limited steps" available.
- His mask is a dark blue, showing that his job is delegated to security/authority exclusively.