Cruelty Squad Wiki

"Governor Bill Gurney is going to be hosting a campaign rally in the Cancer City Megamall. He has made a name for himself taking a strong stand against multinational corporations and monopolies. It should be obvious even to a meathead like you that this isn't very good for us. Thankfully our interests align with those of the shadow president and we've been given free hands to do with Bill as we wish. Expect heavy security and keep in mind that the Megamall is ancient and has many forgotten passages."


"Remove Governor Bill Gurney from office"


<Coming Soon>


Standard Enemies[]

Hope Eradicated Enemies[]


Necromechs wield AMG4s.

A Precise Industry AS15 can be found downstairs in the first dome of the mall, in a Pizza House which is the only open shop on this level of this dome.


The CSIJ Level IIB Body Armor is in the third dome of the mall, in the shop called Plant Heaven. Simply kill the flower beasts from the balcony above (if you can deal enough damage), then take the flower door to the right and go down to grab the item.


Although there are spots of water in this mission (washing sinks and shallow water pools near the Hope Eradicated target), the fishing does not work.


  • The level's opening sequence (spawning in a ceiling vent that opens into a bathroom stall with a single guard) seems to be a homage to GoldenEye 64's level Facility, which opens similarly.
  • An Elon Musk texture can be seen out-of-bound of the level.
  • The door on the right after exiting the bathroom in the entrance of the level, takes you to a room with two cops, when defeating both, on the left is a door leading to a big hallway, halfway through it the wall breaks to a room filled with zombies. After dealing with them, there is a switch leading to a staircase which leads you to another dome of the mall.
  • The death of Gurney causes an economic boom in the stock market, which concludes after the failure of Foxtrot's liquidation. The player can make a lot of money at this time.



Main Missions

Cruelty Squad HeadquartersPharmakokinetiksParadiseSin Space EngineeringAndrogen AssaultMall MadnessApartment AtrocitySeaside ShockBog BusinessCasino CatastropheIdiot PartyOfficeArchon Grid

Secret Missions

DarkworldAlpine HospitalityMiner's MiracleNeuron ActivatorHouseTrauma Loop